High security as standard
The security of your documents and data is of paramount importance. It’s something we would never compromise, and we’ve invested heavily in our facilities, processes, security systems and staff training to ensure we maintain the highest levels of security at all times.

Our Facilities
We take strict measures to ensure our data shredding, document storage and scanning facilities are protected against fire, flood and theft.
Fire detection systems, designed in conjunction with a fire safety consultant and our insurer, are fitted at each site and are linked to local fire stations via BT’s Redcare service. All our depots are standalone facilities with temperature and humidity controls in high security zones. To date there have been no incidences of fire, flood or burglary, and no breaches of security.
Site Security
Our sites are as secure as possible against theft, burglary, vandalism, terrorism and other criminal acts. They are protected by intruder alarms, linked to police stations via Redcare, as well as 24-hour CCTV. Buildings are entered via a Paxton-controlled door-entry system and can only be accessed by our fully vetted and DBS-checked staff. All visitors are accompanied onsite and all contractors must go through our contractor management system.

Our People
All our team members go through rigorous security checks to comply with BS 7858. Before a candidate is employed, we ask them to provide proof of identity and three references, as well as undertake a DBS check and a ten-year career history check.

Our Vehicles
We never use third-party couriers to make collections or deliveries. Instead, we use our own DBS-checked drivers and a customised fleet of secure vehicles. Our mobile shredding machines are mounted onto MDX Shred Tech vehicles, which are the most secure vehicles in the world and are approved by both CPNI and the Ministry of Defence.