It’s a necessity for law firms to hold clients confidential and private information but how firms collect, store and destroy that information is paramount to avoiding personal data getting into the wrong hands.
To increase efficiency and minimise the risk of data breaches, firms need to ensure they are on top of all the paperwork that’s floating around the office and securely destroy of any data that’s no longer required. All client communications, work product, medical & financial records and trial prep documents should be regarded as confidential information.
The solution is Secure Shredding
To avoid breaches of security, all hard copies of confidential information should be contained in a secure location or stored electronically with password protection. Although we are very much a digital society, the typical law firm still produces a considerable amount of paper. Any paper documents containing confidential information should be placed in a lockable container for it to be securely shredded and recycled.
Document shredding is one of the most secure, efficient solutions to destroying any files that are no longer needed. With fully trained and vetted staff we offer an on-site or off-site shredding service. Providing you with a choice of sacks, lockable consoles, containers and bins to collet waste documents and you can book ad-hoc collections or a regular scheduled service.
The importance of compliance
Complying with GDPR legislation stops firms facing legal fines from data breaches and confidential material landing into the wrong hands. A lack of security can lead to high fines and compensation, as well as destroyed customers trust and long-term reputation damage.
All employees need to be educated about the importance of protecting their client’s personal information and should be fully trained on the practical aspects of data protection, such as using secure passwords and proper destruction of confidential documents.
Total Information Management
Shredall SDS Group provides a range of services that help professional services keep their office organised, whilst maintaining access to the documents that are needed. Keeping on top of your records is not just about shredding documents that you no longer need but organising data, so you know exactly where everything is to stop things from being misplaced.
Shredall SDS Group provides a complete information management service, from shredding and recycling to document storage and scanning.