1 in 8 of us will be diagnosed with breast cancer during our lifetime. Breast cancer in women is shockingly high with approximately 55,000 diagnoses a year. Breast Cancer in Men is much lower, with 350 men being diagnosed each year in the UK. But these figures are still too high!
This October Breast Cancer Care is encouraging people nationwide to take part in its Pink Friday fundraising campaign by wearing pink, eating pink and partying pink on a Friday!
Shredall SDS Group is pulling out all the stops to raise awareness during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Things kicked-off with "Pink Friday" on October 3rd with all 50+ staff wearing branded pink t-shirts.
Additionally, look out for our ‘hint of pink’ – merchandise, social networking sites, website homepage and uniform change – all to increase awareness for Breast Cancer Care. We are even holding – the best ‘pink’ fancy dress competition this week, which has seen the likes of Pink Panther, a pink jockey and a pink nun make an appearance. The Great Shredall SDS Group Bake Off will also bring out the bakers in the company later on in the month.
Charlotte Williams, Marketing Manger quotes “We wanted to get everyone at Shredall SDS Group involved in Breast Cancer Awareness month to raise vital funds to enable the charity to support anyone affected by breast cancer, including their friends and family. With the company having many male and female staff – it is a perfect way to gain awareness around the country.”
Charlotte continues “working with many NHS hospitals – we have managed to sell hundreds of Breast Cancer Care pin badges and nail files – with all our customers wanting to help us raise as much money as possible, which is fantastic.”
If you would like to support Shredall SDS Group in their aim to raise money for Breast Cancer Care – please go to –https://www.justgiving.com/ShredallSDSpinkfridays
To keep up to date with pink pictures, please go to our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ShredallSDSGroup
Thank you for your support!