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Shredall Operations Service Desk
Do you need to get hold of Shredall Operations urgently? We have now set up an email account which will...
Shredall SDS Group celebrates 18 year milestone
It all began in 1997 with one employee, £50,000 capital, a back bedroom as an office and parking the lorry...
Where do old shredding trucks go to retire?
Village Ventures is a charity operating in Mali, Africa since 2000 and its aims and objectives are to teach self...
Is your Confidential Waste Paper Shredded to the Correct Standard Size?
As widely reported, two of the biggest document shredding companies in America and here in the UK, have agreed to...
New MDX-1 Confidential Paper Shredding lorry arrives at Shredall HQ
Shredall is very pleased to announce the arrival of our brand new MDX-1 ultra high security, performance lorry. Shredall’s brand...